

We believe that every child deserves to have an equal chance at success, and we aim to provide high quality early education and care that is inclusive. The children and their experiences are central to the thinking of every practitioner here at Cherry Tree and we strive to understand how the children are learning and the stage that they are at, so that we help them to develop further in a way that is right for them.

Our curriculum is driven by your children’s interests and developing their language is vital. Young children do not learn in a fixed way and we understand that we need to be flexible in our planning and how we go about our day. Play is an essential part of the early year’s curriculum and at Cherry Tree the children have countless opportunities to be freely engaged in play of their choice. Where appropriate this play is sensitively supported and extended by our practitioners.

The children’s play is sometimes guided towards specific educational outcomes. It is important that we notice the children’s learning and that we respond in the moment. This helps the children to consolidate or extend their understanding and skills as well as helping them to overcome any struggles or difficulties.

Children learn through play and our environment at Cherry Tree is full of exciting areas where the children can play together and use their imaginations. Our practitioners model playing and language through spending quality time with the children as well as observing their interactions to inform more guided learning.

Pretend play gives opportunity for the children to focus their thinking, persist and plan ahead. Language development is central to self-regulation and children use language to guide their actions and plan ahead.

As the children get older, we begin to prepare them for school. We encourage independence when getting dressed, using the toilet, sitting and listening for appropriate amounts of time, waiting their turn and developing their gross and fine motor coordination ready for beginning to write when they are ready.

These are just a few of the important skills that the children develop at Cherry Tree.

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